Dreams of an Opinionated Mind


Dreams of an Opinionated Mind
My rants, beliefs and thoughts.

Dreams of Pleasure
Ideas of play.

Dreams of Darkness
Personal stories on a D/s theme

Practical Dreams
Things to think about in a D/s relationship

Other Dreams
Links to other sites.

Contact the Dreamer

Over the years I have dreamt this dream my mind has pondered many things. Topics and aspects of the D/s dream that have brought out in me strong opinions, rants or just musings. These are simply the thoughts of one dreamers mind, neither right nor wrong, they simply exists. Take from them what you wish.

My Musings

My Kink isn't necessarily Your Kink
The open-mindedness or lack of it in bdsm communities.

Online BDSM
How realistic is online bdsm, or is it just a fantasy

Other Dreamers Minds
Articles online that I have found of value, and articles that friends have written.

Take a Dip in the Reality Pool by Screamer
One of the best articles on the lack of reality and commonsense many display about online bdsm (opens another window)